Increase Wealth with These Feng Shui Practices

  • Locate Your Wealth Corner: The wealth corner is located in the southeast sector of your entire home or any specific room. Stand at your front door facing inwards, and the wealth corner is the diagonal far right corner.13 Feng Shui Money Cures That Might Create More Abundance | LoveToKnow
  • Clear and Cleanse: Declutter and thoroughly clean the wealth sector. Stagnant energy can block the flow of wealth.
  • Inviting Abundance: Place symbols of wealth and prosperity in your wealth corner. Some popular choices include:
    • Wealth Ship: A sailboat overflowing with treasures.
    • Money Toad (Three-Legged Toad): A mythical creature believed to attract wealth. Position it facing inwards, mouth open.
    • Crystals: Citrine crystals are known for attracting wealth, while pyrite crystals represent abundance.
    • Lucky Bamboo: A plant with symbolic significance for wealth and prosperity. Choose a stalk arrangement with specific meanings, like six stalks for good luck and wealth.
  • Water Feature: A flowing water fountain or a small tabletop water feature is believed to symbolize wealth flowing into your life. Ensure the water is kept clean and flowing for optimal effect.

Inviting Prosperity Throughout Your Home:

  • Healthy and Thriving Plants: Plants are believed to represent growth and vitality. Place healthy, thriving plants throughout your home, especially in the wealth corner and other well-lit areas.
  • South Door Energy: The south direction is associated with fire energy, which is symbolic of prosperity. Keep your south-facing door clean and inviting. You can add a red doormat (red is an auspicious color in feng shui) or place a healthy plant near the entrance.
  • Repair and Maintenance: Leaking faucets, broken doorknobs, or chipped paint represent blocked energy flow. Fix any maintenance issues in your home to invite smooth energy flow and potential prosperity.
  • Mirrors for Abundance: Strategically placed mirrors can double your wealth symbolically. Avoid placing them directly opposite your front door, as this can be seen as pushing wealth out.
See more  Discover the Best Feng Shui Colors for Every Room

Personal Activation for Wealth:

  • Set Intentions: Clearly define your financial goals and visualize achieving them. Post a vision board in your wealth corner or another prominent location to keep your goals in mind.
  • Practice Gratitude: Expressing gratitude for what you already have is believed to open the door to receiving more. Keep a gratitude journal and write down things you’re thankful for, including financial blessings.
  • Declutter Regularly: Decluttering removes stagnant energy and creates space for new opportunities, including financial ones. Regularly declutter your home, especially your wealth corner, to maintain the flow of positive energy.


  • Feng shui is a practice that complements other financial efforts. It’s not a substitute for hard work and sound financial planning.
  • The effectiveness of feng shui is subjective. Believe in the practice and focus on the positive intentions behind it to maximize its potential benefits.
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